Christopher M. Fedo

McSween Chair of Earth & Planetary Sciences
University of Tennessee – Knoxville
Welcome to the web space of Professor Chris Fedo.
I hold the McSween Chair of Earth & Planetary Sciences in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at The University of Tennessee.
My research is focused on problems in understanding: (1) Interpreting paleoenvironments and developing sequence stratigraphy in sedimentary basins, (2) problems with sedimentary environments and composition of martian stratigraphic successions, (3) siliciclastic petrogenesis including provenance analysis, chemical weathering, sorting, and diagenesis, and (4) sedimentologic, structural, metasomatic, and metamorphic problems in Archean greenstone belts. Within this web space you can find links that navigate to my research interests, students doing research with me, representative publications, information about courses I teach, and news about recent goings on in the lab. If you would like to find out more about joining my group, please send me an email or call using the provided contact information below. You can also reach out to me from the contact tab in the menu bar. I look forward to hearing from you!
I fully embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion as a means to better the geosciences. Discrimination against under-represented individuals is not tolerated in my research group in any way. As a member of the department’s URGE pod, we are exploring ways to address and end the endemic racism that permeates academia; we have an urgent obligation to do so. Until everyone enjoys equity in all respects, there is much work to do, and a long, necessary path to get there. I stand strong with the movement that AAPI, Black, Brown, Indigenous, and LGBTQ lives matter. I welcome the policies of expanding diversity and engagement at the University of Tennessee.