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Lab Buzznewframe2021-06-04T06:10:43+00:00
Lab Buzz
Fall 2021
- I can’t wait to not be teaching by zoom.
Summer 2021
- Official launch of my new web page!
- Excited to note that I am part of a paper coming out in Science on diagenesis in the Murray formation, Gale crater.
- Excited to report that I have been elected a Fellow of the Geological Society (London), geology’s oldest dedicated learned society.
- After surviving the pandemic unscathed and recovering from vaccinations for SARS CoV-2, we are all returning to the office and lab. While we are not yet back to full throttle, all labs are open. See here for COVID-19 information at UTK:
Spring 2021
- Lab alum, Latisha Brengman has published a cool article on silicon isotopes from the Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe, using my old PhD samples!

- Brengman, L.A., Fedo, C.M., Whitehouse, M.J., Jabeen, I., and Banerjee, N.R., 2021, Evaluating the geochemistry and paired silicon and oxygen isotope record of quartz in siliceous rocks from the ~3 Ga Buhwa Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe, a critical link to deciphering the Archean silica cycle: Chemical Geology.
- Congratulations to Jason Muhlbauer on a successful defense PhD defense, and publication of an excellent paper in Journal of Sedimentary Research on the Wood Canyon Formation braid delta complex!
- Muhlbauer, J.G., and Fedo, C.M., 2020, Architecture of a fluvial dominated, wave- and tidal-influenced, pre-vegetation braid delta: Cambrian middle member of the Wood Canyon Formation, southern Marble Mountains, California, USA: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 90, p. 1011-1036.
- Welcome to Constance Cooper, Morgan Lewis, and Cat Trewhella, all of whom have joined my group during the 20-21 academic year!